This is something that I thought must exist, but didn’t know how to do it. Sometimes I have a collection of posts written for my blog, and I want them to automatically appear on the blog at future times.

Lorelle on WordPress explains how to set your posts to publish in the future:

In the Write Post panel, in the sidebar to the right you will see a section for Post Timestamp…If the section isn’t open, click the + (plus) to open it up.

In the Post Timestamp section, you will see a check box that says Edit timestamp and a drop down box for the month, and forms for the date and time. You can change any of these to change the date and time your post will be published. You must, however, check the Edit timestamp check box in order for the change to take place. Forget the check box and when you click Publish, your post will be seen by the world instantly.

By setting the date in the future, WordPress will hold onto the post until the date and time passes and then release it on schedule…

When you are ready, with the check box for Edit timestamp checked, you can Publish your WordPress post and it will release on that date and at that time.

Lorelle gives more details on how to use this handy feature in her post, which you can see here:

Working Ahead – Future Posts with WordPress>>