King Ping is an online pinging service that enables bloggers to update in one click the rest of the blogosphere (or many different search engines) about their new posting.

There are a few things that aren’t clear to me about this service:

  1. Why would a blogger need this type of service, when most blogging platforms already ping automatically?
  2. If this service does provide added value, do users have to enter their blog URL repeatedly, or is once enough?

If you visit the site, you will notice that information is sparse regarding the above questions and any other features or issues related to it. I suggest that the owners enrich the content on their site if their goal is to get people to use it. And since I happen to know the guy who owns the company (aggreg) that just acquired King Ping, I think I’m going to ask him my questions and see what he has to say!

Stay tuned…

King Ping>>