Urban Giraffe has a list of amazing plugins that the guy behind the site, John Godley, developed. Many of these plugins are really unique, and I haven’t seen anything like them anywhere else.

Here are the ones that I find most interesting, and I hope to try out soon:

  • Filled In – Places a customized form on your site, and stores submitted data in a database. The plugin features email reporting, AJAX support, CAPTCHA support, and file uploads. The data can be exported to CSV or XML.
  • Advanced Permalinks – If you decide midway to change your permalink structure to something friendlier, this generally means you have to do it sitewide and for all existing posts, which means redirecting everything. This plugin allows you to say “From now on, all posts will have permalink structure B, while posts until now will retain permalink structure A.” Can save a lot of headache.
  • Search Unleashed – Makes searching WordPress blogs more user-friendly by adding the following features:
    • Full text search with wildcards and logical operations
    • Search posts, pages, comments, titles, URLs, tags, and meta-data (all configurable)
    • Search data after it has been processed by plugins, not before
    • Search highlighting of all searches, including titles and comments
    • Search highlighting of incoming searches from Google, Yahoo, MSN, Altavista, Baidu, and Sogou
    • Search results show contextual search information, not just a post excerpt
    • Record search phrases and display in a log
    • Exclude specific posts and pages from results
    • Compatible with WP-Cache
    • Supports WordPress 2.0.5 through to 2.3
    • No changes required to your theme
  • User Permissions – Allows you to assign permissions to specific posts. This sounds like it could be good if you offer premium content on your site.
  • Anti-Email Spam – Simple plugin to encode email addresses with either JavaScript or HTML entities and protect yourself against email harvesting scripts. I should have done something like this a loooong time ago.

See ’em all at: Plugins – Goodies for WordPress | Urban Giraffe»