A while back, some of our clients asked how they can best present a PDF on their website other than just a link. So we searched for a WordPress plugin that would embed a PDF into a post or a page, but couldn’t find one that was clean-coded and lightweight…so we built our own: Simple Google Docs Viewer

The plugin is easy to use, and you can embed a doc in a WordPress post or page with a simple shortcode. Here’s an example of how a PDF looks when embedded onto a post with the plugin:

Depending on the size of your file, it might take a few seconds for the PDF to appear.

Unfortunately, after publishing the plugin we kind of ignored it for a few years, and only recently realized that it didn’t support sites running with ssl that have https in their URL. Worry not, it is now updated and you can use it on your http and https sites, and it is also now responsive!

You can check out the Simple Google Docs Viewer plugin in the WordPress plugin repository.