I am totally in love with the Screen Options pull down tab in WordPress. I know it’s been there for a few versions, but I never fully appreciated it until I started using the Show on Screen feature that lets you fill in how many pages you want to show in your list of Pages. Some of our clients sites have hundreds of pages and posts, and this gives them the option to see all their posts or pages at once and not have to click next next next.

To use it, go into the Pages or the Posts Tab in your Dashboard, click on Screen Options in the top right corner of the screen, and set the number in Show on Screen to something high, like 200. This functionality really adds to the elegance and amazing usability of WordPress.

Depending on which plugins you have installed, you’ll have different options in your Screen Options Panel. For example, we have Yoast’s SEO Plugin installed, so we can check or uncheck the checkboxes to show the plugin-related options in our Post/Page editing areas.

Here is a screenshot of how the Screen Options panel looks in WordPress.