Of course there are problems. I should have followed my own rule of not fixing things that aren’t broken.

Here are the problems:

  1. After an upgrade, funny symbols appear all across the posts. Generally they appear where apostrophes are in words (see my post titled “Aizatto’s Related Posts Plugin“? for a beautiful example”), or where there was a space at the end of a sentence. This is a minor, but annoying problem.
  2. Hebrew doesn’t work!! I need to be able to write Hebrew posts within an English installation of WordPress (as opposed to the Hebrew mod created by Ran Yaniv Hartstein). This worked until I upgraded. At first I thought that the problem might be my server, so I tested a site that is installed on the server with an older version of WordPress – it worked fine. I tested sites on a bunch of different servers, and all of the sites that were running 2.2 didn’t work. I can type in Hebrew, but if a save or publish a post or page, all of the Hebrew turns into question marks! I tried changing the encoding, but that also didn’t work.

Needless to say, this is driving me mad. If anyone has any advice, please please let me know!